eLearning web system iKnow
iKnow LMS is the web-based information system that brings together the most modern information technologies for the provision of information services and information processing for the purposes of electronic and distance learning. There are also possibilities for multi-channel online communication in the Internet environment between individual users of the system, including via chat, audio and video channels.
iKnow LMS is implemented in the largest and oldest university in Bulgaria - Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". The system serves the educational process of several faculties. iKnow LMS has rich functionality, flexibility, working with it is convenient and easy for users. The system showed high reliability and under high load, even during periods when all students and faculty switched to distance learning through iKnow.
The iKnow LMS is intended for the following groups of users:
- Universities. In addition to university courses in Bulgaria, the system can also be used for training (including paid ones) on international programs with participants from different universities and conducting video conferences.
- Secondary schools and colleges.
- Private training companies, language courses, courses for students and prospective students, vocational training programs.
- Large companies for internal training purposes.
The iKnow LMS has a reliable information security system that has a multi-layered multi-component structure. A reliable integrated access control system based on users, rights (controlled access to information and specific information objects), roles (access to certain system functionalities) is applied.
With the aim of cost optimization and inclusion in budget frameworks, the iKnow LMS is mainly based on Open Source products with a very low cost of acquisition and ownership.
The iKnow LMS is a modern software product designed for multi-user, multi-tasking work in a network environment and on the Internet.
The system is built through a 3-layer centralized structure - central database (DB server), application server (application server) and thin client - browser.
User access to information resources is controlled, based on users with predefined roles and rights. User access is via the HTTPS protocol via the Internet.
The iKnow LMS consists of 3 subsystems:
- Subsystem for content management (Content Management System).
- Subsystem for electronic learning (eLearning Management System).
- Video conferencing and virtual classroom subsystem.